Birthday cake joy.

On the 19th, I turned 24. It's so strange for me to be in my 20s because in high school I hung out with a lot of early 20 year olds, and I'm very different, but sometimes very much the same. It's weird to think of myself in their place-- I don't hang out with any high school kids though. I don't even know any.

But, I had a really great birthday party. I don't need to go into the details of that here, because heck, this is a foodblog. I just wanted to do something a little personal. Plus, I made it about food. I had some really great places to eat (Toast, for breakfast. Grub, for brunch. Luna Park for Dinner.)

But these pictures are from my cake! I got a super cool cake from Sweet Lady Jane's.

It was a Princess cake: layers of yellow cake, custard, raspberry jam, and a marzipan. All wrapped in a pretty package. Not only was it a pretty cake, but a tasty one. :) I'm very happy with it, thus the promoting.

I still have a lot of it left in my fridge though. Any takers? Haha.
