I haven't been making a lot of good things this week. I tried my hand at a brownie cookie recipe I found online to have them flatten out on me. They still tasted good, but didn't come out looking so hot. I also made some Pumpkin Butter, which I never had time to take a photo of (but I will tonight so I can post it this week or early next week).
However, last night I made an amazing meal for Jeff and I. Jeff had a long drive home (traffic is awful this time of the year), and I wanted it ready for when he came home. I'd been popping ideas around in my head and had finally decided on Pecan Crusted Pork Chops (with Pumpkin Butter). I just had to decide sides to go with it.
I decided on some easy things... both, actually, that I'll be making for Christmas. Green Beans with Brown Butter and Walnuts, an easy to prepare and simply tasty dish as well as Marbled Potatoes. But since I've done one dinner to post this entire week I'm going to split them up.
Needless to say these greenbeans were tasty! They're simple, the browned butter gives off a nutty flavour (as I think anyone would say) that just adds a touch of richness. These are basically frozen green beans briefly sauteed in brown butter with walnuts and a bit of multicolour fresh ground pepper and pink sea salt.
I prefer most of my veggies frozen. Not only are they easy to prepare, they're picked and packed in the height of nutrition. I can't complain with that-- I get every vitamin that I would otherwise, and then some, because it's not spoiling in my fridge. Don't get me wrong, I like fresh veggies too, but I don't use them as often.
Once upon a time I was afraid of using butter in anything, I'd stick to "healthy" alternatives. Oh, how life has changed...
Now I know I'm not the first to think up a recipe like this, but let's face it-- something like this is so basic that anyone can make it up. That said, this recipe goes uncredited. It's everyone's creations, one of those fundamental basics that is so easy to make you can do it in 5 minutes flat for your family, or, like I did, at the very end of the meal. :) And they're worth it.

Green Beans and Walnuts in Browned Butter
3/4 cup frozen green beans
1 1/2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon chopped walnuts
sea salt and fresh ground pepper
microwave the frozen green beans for 1 1/2 minutes or until gently thawed. Meanwhile, cook butter in a saucepan over medium heat, checking and stirring, until it has browned and gives off a faintly nutty aroma. Mix in the green beans and walnuts, and crack some fresh pepper as well as grind some sea salt over them. Serve!
(Soon to Come, Marbled Potatoes and Pecan Crusted Pork Chops)